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Hosting Services Headline

Tridex Systems is the only company with long-term combined experience in distribution technology and specifically distribution ERP and related third-party applications. Much has been written about the growth of cloud computing and hosting services; however, nothing speaks to the needs of distributors like comments from other distributors. Here are some of the reasons we hear from ERP users as they turn to Tridex Systems for their hosting needs.
  • “We are concerned about mergers and acquisitions in wholesale distribution. I don’t want to tie-up a lot of resources by buying servers and hiring more IT talent when I’m trying to show consistent EBITDA growth.”
  • “Our system is becoming richer and more robust, but that is also increasing the complexity and challenges in managing my IT solutions.”
  • “We’ve been using our software for years, and our hardware shows it. It’s old and I’m not looking forward to replacing it.”
  • “I’m opening new locations and I’d rather have access to my systems from anywhere in the cloud.”
  • “We’re spinning off a division and that makes both organizations leaner and meaner. I don’t want to add more to my support and maintenance costs.”
  • “I need to know that my infrastructure is going to grow with my company.”

Secondary Heading Here

Progress® Expertise

It’s not easy or inexpensive to find experienced Progress database administrators. And, taking on another full-time employee can take resources away from the revenue generating parts of your business. Fortunately, Tridex Systems can administer almost all of your Progress database functions for you.

Stop worrying about the security and performance of your system and let Tridex Systems handle your access, optimization and administration. Additionally, our Progress experts are also long-time wholesale distribution technology and enterprise software specialists as well. You’ll get more than a generic DBA, you’ll get a specialized industry veteran as well.

An internal Progress DBA does not always have the time and tools to consistently monitor your database. Further, they won’t have access to the cross-company support expertise that you’ll get at Tridex. You will rest easy knowing that our experts are available and monitoring your database exactly when you need them.

Distributors have called us their Progress doctors as we help them assess, monitor and diagnose the health of their database day in and day out.

What is the current status of your Progress database?

  • Consistent monitoring of your database and hosting servers
  • Immediate alerts in the case of an interruption or critical event
  • Personalized support from your ERP and Progress expert at Tridex Systems

Is your Database optimized?

  • Monitoring of all database KPIs, usage, log files and more
  • Database backups and verification
  • Monitoring of data elements, table and growth needs
  • Regular reporting and updates from our team

Do you need advice on your database?

  • Troubleshoot query information
  • Provide policy strategy
  • Full disaster recovery and business continuity services
  • Planning support for hardware needs
  • Backups and mirroring

Why Use Tridex Systems for Progress Administration?

  • Using Tridex Systems for your Progress administrations can be less expensive for a higher level of expertise. We have experience across multiple Progress databases and ERP installs.
  • You avoid taking on the costs of a full-time employee such as taxes and benefits
  • When an emergency happens, you can depend on the scale of the entire Tridex staff.
  • We are focused on your specific needs with years of ERP, distribution and Progress experience.

OS Support

No other managed service provider in the distribution industry can offer as complete a service for support of Linux, UNIX and other OS administration for your databases and application servers. Just as with Progress database administration skills, the market for Linux and UNIX expertise has many shortages and skilled staff can be hard to find and expensive to retain. This poses a risk to your company.

Our experts are experienced in many operating systems, maximizing your investment in Linux and others including:

  • AIX from IBM
  • HPUX from HP
  • Linux primarily Red Hat but we have worked with other flavors
  • Microsoft Windows
  • VMWare

Operating System support and consulting services consist primarily of the following items but are not limited to just these items:

  • New Server Installation along with Operating System Installation
  • Operating System Upgrade
  • System Performance Monitoring and Configuration
  • Platform Migrations – moving from one operating system to another
  • Operating System scripting
  • Backup Management
  • Adding and Maintaining Printers
  • Networking
  • Disk Layout, Allocation, and Utilization
  • Scheduling Services
  • Security


Linux Demands

90% of HR professionals say that Linux talent is hard to find.

38% pay higher salaries to Linux experts.

Source: Demand for Linux Expertise Drives Hiring Priorities for 2014, Dice and Linux Foundation report February 2014

Limit Operating Costs

Studies by CompTIA show that over half the companies they surveyed report using managed IT services to give their teams more time to focus on revenue-generating activity. Most companies (62%) were so happy with their results that they intend to increase their use of managed services.

Delegating some range of tasks to an outsourced team can decrease your total IT costs. Additionally, your new investments in IT are more cost effective with a managed IT team compared to increasing your own staff.

At Tridex Systems, we can leverage economies of scale and efficiencies that are not available to smaller, internal teams. Your team is incredibly competent and dedicated; however, we can apply our expertise and solution set from our experience with many similar distributors who are running distribution ERP systems. We can consolidate our hiring and purchasing processes across all of our ERP users and pass those savings on to you.

Every distributor we work with expands our experience and knowledge base, which allows us to respond to your issues and implement new strategies as quickly as possible. We’ve been able to recruit some of the top ERP talent for a very deep bench. We can also leverage our many partnerships and integrations, and enlist the help of software publisher development and support teams which gives us a clear advantage in service and scale than any single IT organization could achieve on their own.

This depth in technology and the distribution industry increases our efficiencies and helps us apply industry best practices across all of our clients. You can then continue to focus on scaling up your growth and top-line revenues instead of increasing headcount and hardware.

Access to Specialists

Studies by CompTIA show that over half the companies they surveyed report using managed IT services to give their teams more time to focus on revenue-generating activity. Most companies (62%) were so happy with their results that they intend to increase their use of managed services.

Delegating some range of tasks to an outsourced team can decrease your total IT costs. Additionally, your new investments in IT are more cost effective with a managed IT team compared to increasing your own staff.

At Tridex Systems, we can leverage economies of scale and efficiencies that are not available to smaller, internal teams. Your team is incredibly competent and dedicated; however, we can apply our expertise and solution set from our experience with many similar distributors who are running distribution ERP systems. We can consolidate our hiring and purchasing processes across all of our ERP users and pass those savings on to you.

Every distributor we work with expands our experience and knowledge base, which allows us to respond to your issues and implement new strategies as quickly as possible. We’ve been able to recruit some of the top ERP talent for a very deep bench. We can also leverage our many partnerships and integrations, and enlist the help of software publisher development and support teams which gives us a clear advantage in service and scale than any single IT organization could achieve on their own.

This depth in technology and the distribution industry increases our efficiencies and helps us apply industry best practices across all of our clients. You can then continue to focus on scaling up your growth and top-line revenues instead of increasing headcount and hardware.

Gain a Competitive Advantage

You face competition from every corner as a distributor—overseas manufacturers, Amazon, online retail, new competitive branches in your key locations and more. In order to maintain your competitive advantage, you must gain control over a number of very complex functions and technologies like enterprise resource planning (ERP), supply chain and logistics management, ordering, replenishment, e-commerce, picking, packing, shipping, customer relationship management (CRM), pricing, business intelligence and more.

Keeping up with technology provides important competitive advantages. Unfortunately, it is usually not within the core capabilities of a distribution business to track new technology trends.

Outsourcing to a qualified IT partner can help you take advantage of the latest technology while getting your team up to speed quickly with consistent training and experience across many different organizations. We have experts in the latest hardware, software, cloud platforms and network applications and can help you decide which investments provide you with the greatest advantages.

Tridex Systems understands how to deal with the unusual aspects of a wholesale distribution business and apply our expertise to emerging problems to give you new competitive advantages. Our solutions are built around your ERP with tight integrations and end-user expertise to help every area of your business from analytics to inventory to workflow improvement.

Decrease Downtime

You face competition from every corner as a distributor—overseas manufacturers, Amazon, online retail, new competitive branches in your key locations and more. In order to maintain your competitive advantage, you must gain control over a number of very complex functions and technologies like enterprise resource planning (ERP), supply chain and logistics management, ordering, replenishment, e-commerce, picking, packing, shipping, customer relationship management (CRM), pricing, business intelligence and more.

Keeping up with technology provides important competitive advantages. Unfortunately, it is usually not within the core capabilities of a distribution business to track new technology trends.

Outsourcing to a qualified IT partner can help you take advantage of the latest technology while getting your team up to speed quickly with consistent training and experience across many different organizations. We have experts in the latest hardware, software, cloud platforms and network applications and can help you decide which investments provide you with the greatest advantages.

Tridex Systems understands how to deal with the unusual aspects of a wholesale distribution business and apply our expertise to emerging problems to give you new competitive advantages. Our solutions are built around your ERP with tight integrations and end-user expertise to help every area of your business from analytics to inventory to workflow improvement.