Manage Your Distribution Business, Not Your IT

What is the total cost to your business of working on everyday IT issues? Leveraging the expertise of a distribution-centric IT team gives your staff the freedom and resources to focus on the areas that really matter to you: revenue growth, value added services, on-time shipments, vendor negotiations and customer satisfaction.

The pace of change in distribution technology is difficult to keep up. You team’s time is better spent keeping your customers happy than reviewing new technologies, troubleshooting networking issues, supporting desktop and mobile users and putting out fires. Partnering with Tridex Systems helps you increase your efficiencies while gaining confidence that you won’t be left behind in your technology strategy.

In addition, partnering with Tridex Systems can be less expensive and more effective than recruiting, hiring and training new specialized resources. We can use our combined experience and resources to find the best talent and employ them toward whatever unique issues you might face.

Leverage the Benefits of Tridex Systems Managed Services

Maintain Focus

How many times have you taken a top IT employee and assigned them to a tortuous network problem or swoop in to replace a failing server? Each time you do, you lose a little bit of focus on the key priorities of your distribution business.

Leveraging the expertise of a distribution-centric IT team gives your staff the freedom and resources to focus on the areas that really matter to you: revenue growth, value added services, on-time shipments, vendor negotiations and customer satisfaction.

They say time is money, and in distribution, margins are thin. What is the opportunity cost to your business of working our everyday IT issues? Many distributors find that they lack the expertise to build an experienced and scalable IT team. Unfortunately, working through your IT strategy and issues with an inexperienced IT team or non-IT professionals may be costing you thousands of dollars each month in slow sales and late customer service.

Even distributors who have the time and ability to recruit, hire and train a world-class IT department still face problems. Your top team is better suited for your high-level strategic planning and support of growth initiatives, not troubleshooting devices and tending to software support issues.

Letting the experienced team at Tridex Systems handle your routine IT issues and tasks is an affordable and scalable solution. Additionally, you’ll gain confidence knowing that your network operates at top performance, your issues are addressed quickly and your team can focus on the goals of your company.

Scale for Growth

Studies by CompTIA show that over half the companies they surveyed report using managed IT services to give their teams more time to focus on revenue-generating activity. Most companies (62%) were so happy with their results that they intend to increase their use of managed services.

Delegating some range of tasks to an outsourced team can decrease your total IT costs. Additionally, your new investments in IT are more cost effective with a managed IT team compared to increasing your own staff.

At Tridex Systems, we can leverage economies of scale and efficiencies that are not available to smaller, internal teams. Your team is incredibly competent and dedicated; however, we can apply our expertise and solution