Video: Mobile Cycle Count

Simplify Your Inventory Counting Are you constantly battling with inventory accuracy? Your solution is Tridex System’s Mobile Cycle Count. Real-time data: Update your Infor system directly from your mobile device, ensuring instant visibility and accurate inventory levels. No more paper: Eliminate paper count sheets and embrace a fully digital workflow, saving time and reducing environmental…

mobile cycle count

End Your Inventory Counting Frustrations with Mobile Cycle Count

For many distributors, inventory accuracy is a constant battle. Dynamic environments, with items constantly moving for counter sales, demos, and upsell opportunities, can easily lead to discrepancies and inaccurate counts. Tridex Systems’ Mobile Cycle Count comes to the rescue, providing a powerful and flexible solution to streamline your counting processes and achieve consistent accuracy, even…

Microsoft Power Automate

Getting the Most Out of Microsoft Power Automate and Infor CloudSuite Distribution

After our webinar with TUG Connects 365 “Mastering CloudSuite Integration: Empowering Your Business with InforOS,” we received some questions about ways to utilize Microsoft Power Automate. This post helps answer some of those questions. What is Microsoft Power Automate? Microsoft Power Automate is a service that lets you create automated workflows between your preferred apps…

Infor CloudSuite Services

Distributors Embrace CloudSuite Platform Services

The distribution industry is witnessing an exciting shift as more and more distributors are harnessing the power of Infor CloudSuite Distribution (CSD). These distributors are seeking out comprehensive managed services to support their adoption of this revolutionary platform. This trend has been fueled by the numerous benefits that partnering with a seasoned managed services provider…

Harnessing the Power of Infor Cloudsuite Distribution

Infor CloudSuite Distribution is a comprehensive, robust tool designed to simplify business operations and give you the upper hand in the competitive world of commerce. It’s packed with four pivotal features that can propel your business towards success: Personalization, Extendibility, Integrations, and Enhanced Customer Experience. By utilizing these capabilities, your business can stay one step…

Report: TUG 2023 Insights Report

First and foremost, we want to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who attended TUG 2023. Your presence made the event truly special, and we couldn’t be more grateful for your participation and enthusiasm. As a token of our appreciation, we’re delighted to offer you a 16-page report that summarizes the top four technology insights…